Who we are?
LEENTech Network Solutions© is a dynamic Web Business Solutions started last 2004 in the Philippines as a Web Developing Powerhouse specialized in Multi-tiered Web Based Solutions and Powerful Internet Marketing Solutions. Over the last 6 years we have offered solutions for a wide range of regional, national and international companies. These organizations range in size from Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, to small businesses.
We offer solutions to customers in many areas including online marketing, web development and information systems, communication and client management, corporate branding, media advertising, and technical consulting.
We have invested heavily into 3 projects, Cavite.Info™, CaviteJobs™ and Wedding in the Sky™, which provide online solutions on resource information, job matching and business wedding marketing. These products allow clients to easily market their company and services and streamline process and improve productivity.
LEENTech Network Solutions© has extensive experience with complex, high-load web applications, website design, corporate branding, advertising, marketing, and product packaging. Our full portfolio is available upon request. We would also be happy to meet in person to provide an interactive tour of a variety of projects we have completed.