Sales Clerk
at Arkeem Trading & Gen. Services (Anywhere)
- Female
- With age from 22 to 28 years old
- With at least 6 months working expirience in Sales or Marketing
- Can communicate well and can relate to different levels of the organization
- With pleasing personality
For interested applicants, kindly send your cv at arkeemtrading@yahoo.com, contact us at 434-3678 or 434-1643 for inquiries.
- Female
- With age from 22 to 28 years old
- With at least 6 months working expirience in Sales or Marketing
- Can communicate well and can relate to different levels of the organization
- With pleasing personality
For interested applicants, kindly send your cv at arkeemtrading@yahoo.com, contact us at 434-3678 or 434-1643 for inquiries.
Recent jobs at Arkeem Trading & Gen. Services

Published at 05-07-2022
Viewed: 162 times
Viewed: 162 times