This job ad has been posted over 40 days ago...
at MMA Competent Manpower & Gen. Services in Tanza
Male or Female 21 to 25 years old
Graduate of Hotel and Restaurant Management
With Pleasing Personality
With good communication skills both oral and written
Atleast 5'4 for Female and 5'5 for Male
Willing to be assigned in Manila Area
MMA Competent Manpower & Gen. Services, Inc.
2nd floor Towers Bldg. A Soriano Hiway Tanza Cavite
Contact Number/s: (046) 505-1385 / 437-6327
Look for Ms. April/ Ms. Joy
Graduate of Hotel and Restaurant Management
With Pleasing Personality
With good communication skills both oral and written
Atleast 5'4 for Female and 5'5 for Male
Willing to be assigned in Manila Area
MMA Competent Manpower & Gen. Services, Inc.
2nd floor Towers Bldg. A Soriano Hiway Tanza Cavite
Contact Number/s: (046) 505-1385 / 437-6327
Look for Ms. April/ Ms. Joy
Recent jobs at MMA Competent Manpower & Gen. Services

Published at 06-03-2022
Viewed: 720 times
Viewed: 720 times