Messenger Staff
at MMA Competent Manpower & General Services, Inc. in Rosario
Male ; 24 - 35 years old
Knows how to drive 4 wheels (with license)
Good in oral & written communication skills
Can be trained easily
Living within Tanza Area
MMA Competent Mnapower & Gen. Services, Inc.
2nd Floor Towers Bldg. A Soriano Hiway Tanza Cavite
Contact nos.: (046) 505-1385 / 437-6327
Look for Ms. Jho / Ms. April
Knows how to drive 4 wheels (with license)
Good in oral & written communication skills
Can be trained easily
Living within Tanza Area
MMA Competent Mnapower & Gen. Services, Inc.
2nd Floor Towers Bldg. A Soriano Hiway Tanza Cavite
Contact nos.: (046) 505-1385 / 437-6327
Look for Ms. Jho / Ms. April
Recent jobs at MMA Competent Manpower & General Services, Inc.

Published at 02-16-2011
Viewed: 76 times
Viewed: 76 times