at Ant Industrial Works, Inc. in General Trias
- Male,not more than 45 years old
- With at least 2 years experience as civil or ducting foreman
- Knows how to read plan
- With good moral and interpersonal skills
ANT INDUSTRIAL WORKS, INC is a mechanical contracting company in the Philippines specializing in Heating, Ventilating, and Air conditioning Systems.
ANT Industrial Works, Inc. has been providing mechanical contracting services and products to different companies for the past 19years. ANT is accredited by the Philippine Contractors Accreditation Board (PCAB), Philippine Contractors Association (PCA) and Philippine Society of Ventilating, Air-conditioning and Refrigerating Engineers (PSVARE). ANT is also a member of Philippine Society of Mechanical Engineers (PSME), Cavite Chapter.
You may contact as through the following methods:
Mobile No: +63922-878-3983
Landline: +63 46 402-1220/ 402-0580
Fax: local 102
Manila Line: 736-7191
To know more about our company please visit our website:
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