at Nippi Manpower Services in Carmona
- Male (20-30 years old)
- At least High School Graduate/College level/Vocational
- At least 5’2” in height.
- With at least 5 months work experience as TIG/MIG welder
- Must be hardworking, responsible and trustworthy.
- Willing to be assigned at Laguna Technopark.
Interested applicant may apply personally with latest resume at NIPPI MANPOWER SERVICES Office located at Unit F, Lot C/D Paseo Square, Brgy. Maduya Governor’s Drive, Paseo de Carmona,
Carmona, Cavite.
(At the back of Jollibee Paseo de Carmona)
or e-mail your resume at nippi.hiring@gmail.com
Wear white T-shirt, bring pen and valid ID.
Recent jobs at Nippi Manpower Services

Published at 07-10-2022
Viewed: 311 times
Viewed: 311 times