This job ad has been posted over 40 days ago...
Customer Service Engineer
at Daeduck Phils., Inc. in Rosario
- Male/Female
- 21-27 yrs.old
- Graduate of 4 or 5 years Engineering courses: BS EE, ECE, COE, ME, IE, ChemEng
- Board Passer is an advantage
- Flexible, and with excellent communication & presentation skills
- Willing to render overtime
- Able to work under pressure
- With or with working experience.
Daeduck Phils., Inc
Human Resource Development Department Lot 1-13 Blk. 20 Phase 4 Main Ave. PEZA Rosario, Cavite
Tel. No.: (046) 437-0741 to 48 Local 713
Look for Ms. Katrina Villanueva
Recent jobs at Daeduck Phils., Inc.

Published at 04-27-2013
Viewed: 169 times
Viewed: 169 times